Through ironically colourful colourblind eyes....

4/20/2005 09:43:00 AM

Ok here it is

Ive come to realize how popular this blogging thing has become, seems like every other person I know has got a blog. I actually started one in January, that one has lots of ranting on it though, and personal stuff that reveals all insecurities, problems and flaws in my psyche that most people probably dont know about....and I'd like to keep it that way :-) So that one I wont share the URL (sorry) its not password protected tho so you might just happen onto it by accident. If you think you found it jus whisper it to me :D

Anyway, this will be the public one, with more public thoughts/rantings/ideas/etc/ get the idea.

Blogger Rae did sey...

It's true that every other person seems to have a blog now, but for me this is great! A personal release center. I'm so far that I really don't get a chance to hear about all the kinds of details that would inspire posts, and so for me, it's wonderful that at the very least, I get to read it. Blog on D!

Thu Apr 21, 10:09:00 AM 2005 


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