Through ironically colourful colourblind eyes....

4/12/2006 10:13:00 AM

Random quote

While doing some random idle browsing through hi5, I happened upon this is written in someone's journal. It appealed to me so much I borrowed it and am sharing it with you all:

"It's amazing how crippling the power of fear can be...for in hiding yourself you hide not only your weaknesses but your strentgths...talents and those things unique to you which have been placed in you to give to those in need. It should never be underestimated what the presence of "you" may have on the lives of those around you."

Blogger Sweet Simone did sey...

that's very true. never really thought about it b4

Wed Apr 12, 12:37:00 PM 2006 


Blogger laroper18 did sey...


Mon Apr 17, 06:27:00 PM 2006 


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